Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jessica Seinfeld's Cookbook for Bad Mothers

Jessica Seinfeld is the cooking for idiots and dummies-books incarnate. She is a complete idiot and quite the dummy, if ever one was. The premise of her cookbook is getting your kids to eat vegetables through trickery and deceit. Mrs. Seinfeld waits until her kids go to bed, then cooks and purees vegetables before freezing them in bags for later use as pre-breading-coating for kid-friendly entrees such as chicken nuggets.

She is heralded as "ingenius" for her idea.

If Mrs. Seinfeld had an intelligence quotient above, maybe 100 or 110, she would teach her children that the reason they are not doubled-over, in gut-wrenching pain, is that they eat their vegetables.
Lying to your kids is going to ensure your ultimate betrayal of their very trust, and their despising of your presence in their lives. And you thought you were doing a good thing. Maybe you should get into comedy.

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