Monday, June 4, 2012

Oh, Jason Alexander -- Why Did You Cave?

I wrote a message on a yahoo story, but it will no doubt be deleted, if it has not been already.  Here it is, in all it's First Amendment glory:

There's nothing wrong with using the word 'gay' to criticize someone or something.  Being a child of the '80s, I can assure you there are many meanings of the word 'gay.'  And I'd like to scourge the members of GLAAD's skin with faggots.  Or maybe burn their their hands or feet with some fag butts.  To demand that people apologize for using their freedom of speech is absolutely gay-tarded.  That's right, you heard it from me, first.

The above is absolutely not hate-speech.  If I were to claim to hate people for being gay, that would, maybe, be hate-speech.  I make no references to hating anybody above.  Anyway, I see no problem with people hating others based on the others' decisions, and being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or queer, are absolutely choices, decisions made every moment of every day, just as being straight is a choice that 96% of people make every moment of every day.  People hate me for my religious convictions...  People call me a "breeder" for being straight...They may well hate me for being a Christian or for being straight.  That's their problem.  They're the ones cankering their souls with all that hatred.  Not my problem.  Besides, hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is.  If someone wants to blow me up, that sounds like that person feels a lot of passion toward me.  What absolute fools such people are.  It's the "COEXIST" bumper sticker and NO H8 idiots that are truly indifferent.  They're the kind of jerkholes that don't particularly care if they spread their STDs to everybody they meet at their pervert parties...Undoubtedly, from the same camp of those who leave their dirty condoms in parking lots, etc., open, of course.  But even if they were to knot them, there's still at least one person's slimy juices, or fecal matter and blood, all over the outside thereof.  I don't hate people for being gay, etc.  However, I might hate them for their expecting to have special rights because of their sexuality.  And I might hate certain politicians, for promoting and creating special laws to give them privileges they don't deserve.


  1. So you're trying to argue that being gay is a choice, that's what i take from your post here. You say; "Anyway, I see no problem with people hating others based on the others' decisions, and being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or queer, are absolutely choices, decisions made every moment of every day, just as being straight is a choice that 96% of people make every moment of every day." I'd say you're making it pretty easy for the LGBT community to argue the complete opposite. You say you are straight and people give you a hard time about that, calling you a "breeder." But you also say that you wake up every morning and choose to be straight. Does that mean you wake up and think to yourself, "i could have gay sex with another woman/man (i don't know your gender) today and that would be pretty nice. Hold on, having sex with someone of the same gender is wrong, better choose to be straight."? I'm a straight male and while i have no problem with gays or lesbians I have no desire to take part in gay sex. Never have, never will. When I think about sex, its about women, there is no decision making process. I find the thought of having intercourse with another man frankly, disgusting. There is nothing in particular that turns me off to it, the entire idea is unappealing to me. That's just the way I feel and I'd argue that gay person would say something along the same lines when discussing straight sex. I'd highly doubt a gay man wakes up one day and says, "hmmmm, lets have some sex today, should I go with the male or the female? You know what, lets go with the man." I'm of the opinion that sexual orientation is genetic and unless you are often confused about what you desire I don't know how you could argue otherwise.

    1. Will you reply in the comments or is there another way you would like to respond? I would like to hear your arguments. I enjoy intelligent discourse if you're up for it.

    2. Nothing? You are a coward and not nearly as intelligent as you think you are. Spouting your racists ideas and then claiming that anyone who disagrees is just not smart enough to understand is particularly low in my opinion.


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